Homeopathic Remedies Enhance Comfort And Safety During Root Canals And Implants
In many cases, we recommend safe and effective homeopathic remedies as part of treatment at our clinic. Relying on the law of similars, homeopathic remedies have been used in many parts of the world since the 1800s to deal with all sorts of medical and dental conditions. In truth, use of homeopathy and related principles […]
Dr. Mercola Discusses Root Canals (Transcribed)
See Dr. Vinograd’s remarks next week here: Root Canals (commentary) & Podcast on the subject Episode 3: Root Canal. Hello, this is Dr. Mercola, and it’s always been surprising to me how even physicians fail to appreciate how important the mouth is and the health of our teeth is to our total health. If you’ve been […]
Root Canal: Holistic Commentary on Dr. Mercola’s Video
Dear Dr Mercola: I have followed your work with great enthusiasm over many years and appreciate the tremendous impact you have had through education and good product availability. I am also a Weston Price fan. I stopped doing root canals in the 80’s when I became aware of the great deficiencies with the treatment and […]
Root Canal: The Controversy (Podcast)
http://drvinograd.com/holistic-dentist/wp-content/mtr-podcasts/Root_Canal.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadHello, this is Dr. Daniel Vinograd. I’m a biological dentist in San Diego, and I’m glad to be here with you today. I would like to talk about the root canal controversy. That’s a topic that has actually created a great deal of confusion. The History Of The Root […]
Lyme Disease, Cavitation And Getting Healthier
If you have Lyme disease and you’re noticing a rapid decline in your health – especially if you’ve recently had dental surgery – you could have a problem with dental cavitations. They’re not like cavities or decay in your teeth. Cavitations are problems with the bone around your teeth, and something has to be done […]
Holistic Dentistry – Dr. Vinograd’s Latest Lecture at The Gerson Institute
We’re going to learn a little bit more about the dental side with Dr. Vinograd and his assistant Dr. Christiansen. I think I said that right. Dr. Vinograd is a holistic dentist in San Diego and has been practicing since 1978. He founded a nonprofit to bring holistic dentistry to underserved populations in the Americas […]
Interview with Laura from the Life Upgrade Movement
http://drvinograd.com/book.interview.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | Download Laura from lifeupgrademovement.com interviews Dr. Vinograd (play for audio, or read transcription below) for her upcoming book about holistic dentistry. She also published an interesting article on the oral health-body connection here. TRANSCRIPTION: Laura: Today I’m speaking with Dr. Daniel Vinograd. He has been a holistic dentist […]
Understanding Dental Ozone Therapy
Dental ozone therapy can help you keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible. So what is ozone? And what can this kind of therapy do for you? We have the answers you need. What Is Ozone? Put in the simplest way possible, ozone is three atoms of oxygen joined together in a compound. […]
Dental Implants: The Biological Perspective (podcast)
http://drvinograd.com/holistic-dentist/wp-content/mtr-podcasts/implants.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadGood morning. This is Dr. Daniel Vinograd, a biological dentist in San Diego, California, and today, I’d like to speak a little bit about dental implants. So, it’s interesting how much implants have actually progressed over the last couple of decades. I remember, maybe over 20 years ago when […]
11/13 Lecture: Holistic Dental Health (Transcribed) P5
Removable bridge. For some people, successful. They have a lot of tolerance. They put that in, out. They’re comfortable. They feel good. From a biocompatible point-of-view, one of the best answers. From a lifestyle point-of-view, one of the worst answers. It’s very, very difficult to have a good quality of life when you have this […]