Homeopathy and Dentistry

Daniel Vinograd

Homeopathy is a wonderfully powerful part of the medical community, and it has been often ignored by people that do not fully understand it. This article has been written to explore a little bit more about how homeopathy can really support dentistry and patients that are slightly nervous about how they are going to feel when they sit in the dentist’s chair.

One of the key things that you have to remember about homeopathy is that it address the entire body. Most forms of medicine will tend to focus on only one single part of the body: the ears, the feet, the digestives system. On the other hand, homeopathy understands that our bodies are not only made of different parts, but those parts are working together in harmony. When one part becomes unhappy and out of sync with the rest, then the rest of the body will become affected, in small ways. That means that you can feel symptoms of body unhappiness in one place, while the cause is in entirely a different place.

Normal medical doctors would focus on the place that is displaying the symptoms, and that could mean that they miss the actual cause that is upsetting the natural balance of your body. For dentists in particular, this is dramatically important. Very few people realise that our teeth can be affected by – and in turn affect –many different parts of our body; our heads, our jaws, our necks, our throat, our digestive system, even our ability to balance. A normal doctor with no understanding at all about homeopathy could very easily misdiagnose what is wrong with you, and offer you treatment that you both do not need, and could harm you.

That is why it is vitally important that your dentist has a good grounding in homeopathy, and can view you as a complete and whole human being, rather than just glaring at your gums! Here are some of the changes that a dentist can make to bring more homeopathy into their dental chair to bring a better treatment to their patients:

Arnica has long being used for hundreds of years, because it has been proved over and over again to help people. Some of the brilliant ways that it can help a dentist’s patient is that it can reduce the feelings of shock and panic, which is essential for people that already have a fear of the dentist. It can also reduce the likelihood of nausea and gagging, which is great if a dental patient is going to have a long procedure. There is the opportunity to take a tablet full of Arnica about an hour before you go to your dentist appointment. Dentists should be making their patients aware of the amazing powers of Arnica.

One of the things about going to the dentist that many people hate is the feeling of numbness that they will experience for the time after their appointment. It can be very disorientating, and really irritating if you are trying to eat! However, you simply cannot go through certain procedures at a dentists without a local anaesthetic – which you would think would put you in a difficult situation. However, there is a homeopathic remedy called Chamomilla. If you take it around fifteen minutes after your appointment has finished, it will immediately start to reduce your numbness.

Hypericum homeopathic pillsHypericum
A vast amount of dental work will include upsetting your nerves, and this can be really uncomfortable and painful. However you can take some Hypericum which has been proven over and over again for encouraging nerve regrowth and healing. This is something that you can take repeatedly whilst you are healing up and recovering.

Shorter appointments
Dentists that have a good understanding of how homeopathic dentistry can really support a patient will often arrange to have short appointments with their patients. This is not because they are going to have more appointments of a shorter length, but because the changes of modern dentistry mean that it is now possible to get a lot done in a short amount of time. Many patients will find it awkward, wearying, and painful to keep their jaw locked open for a long time, and this can be very sore after a long appointment. Along with a short appointment, dentists with homeopathic knowledge will also offer Magnesium phosphorus – otherwise known as Causticum – which will relieve any cramping that a patient will feel after an appointment.

Children and dentists
Children can find going to the dentists very upsetting and difficult, but there are plenty of things that a sympathetic homeopathic dentist can do to help with this. From the very beginning, Chamomilla can be used to settle and help teething infants. No parent looks forward to teething, long nights, and crying babies, but Chamomilla can help an infant to settle down, and get the sleep that they so desperately need. As your child gets older, they may develop abscesses on their teeth which will be just as painful, and once again Chamomilla can be used to bring relief. Moving into the teenage years, braces can be very painful and sore – especially when they are tightened or moved – and Ruta can be used to help their gums and inner checks heal without extra pain.

Oral surgery
Surgery can be incredibly uncomfortable and upsetting. When we have oral or dental surgery, it can affect the way that we eat, the way that we speak, and our self-confidence. The quicker that we can heal up, the quicker we can return back to our normal lives, which is why Silica is so often recommended by dentists that understand homeopathic methods. Silica can be used twice a day for patients that really need it, and it will help with any sharp edges that are left in your mouth after surgery. However, it is very important that patients who have had an implant put into their mouth do not take Silica, as it could cause the rejection of the implant.

More and more people are living very stressful lives, and this has an unfortunate side effect: bruxism. Many people suffer from bruxism without even realising it, and they do not even believe that it is really a problem – but tooth clenching and grinding can actually have a very detrimental effect on your teeth. That is all bruxism is, but when people do it repeatedly, and some will do it unknowingly in their sleep, it can cause dental pain. If you are one of the many people who are struggling with bruxism, then now is the right time to talk to a dentist about this who truly appreciates homeopathic remedies.

As you can see, a normal dentist’s work can be greatly enhanced by introducing a few small changes into your dental routine. You can not only reduce pain and swelling, but also minimise any future pain and stress when you visit the dentist again. To finish off this informative article, we are going to give you some homeopathic hints and tips that you can use yourself while you are waiting to see a dentist – but remember, these are only in case you cannot see a dentist immediately. They are not complete cures:

We have all suffered from tooth ache at one point or another, and there are many different homeopathic remedies that have been found to work that you can try out for yourself. For example, there is Belladonna. Used in huge quantities it can actually be a poison, but in very small doses it can numb the area where you are experiencing pain. You should also be aware whether your pain is hot or cold – that is, whether heat makes it worse, or cold does. Depending on what kind of pain it is, you can use Pulsatilla for hot pain, and Coffea for cold pain. If you find that clenching your teeth lessens the pain slightly, then you will find that Staphisagria will work wonders for you.

When a tooth has been removed from your mouth, the area can bleed much later on after the surgery. A Phosphorus tablet will work wonders here, lessening the blood flow and keepin the area clean so that it does not become infected. However, if some infection does develop then do not panic. Gunpowder – yes, you read that correctly! – actually has a wonderfully antiseptic quality. It will also reduce the pain.

Mouth ulcers
Painful and unfortunately recurring with some people, mouth ulcers can have a dramatic effect on a person’s day to day life: but with Feverfew, the patient will see their ulcers disappear easily. If you take it for a few days after the ulcers have gone, you should be prevented from any recurring attacks of ulcers, leaving your mouth pain and ulcer free.

No one likes going to the dentist, and no one likes having any changes made to their teeth – but these homeopathic ideas will naturally complement the work of a dentist. Why not call us at (619) 630-7174, and ask us about our homeopathic knowledge?

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Dr. Daniel Vinograd, DDS |
10450 Friars Rd, San Diego, CA 92120 |
Phone: 619-630-7174    •    Dr. Vinograd, DDS, is a Dentist in San Diego, CA, offering services as a periodontist, and providing teeth whitening, dental crowns, invisalign, implants, lumineers, dentures, root canals, holistic, family and cosmetic dentistry.

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