The following information is intended to be used as first-aid to ease pain of many dental emergencies. It is intended to be used in conjunction with proper dental care until a dentist can be seen, not to replace seeing a dentist. Homeopathic remedies can also be used to ease post-procedure pain and discomfort.
When you have a fear of the dentist, try:
- Aconite 12C – If you experience sudden panic and restlessness, use 5 pellets the night before and the morning of the appointment, with another dose about 45 minutes before the procedure.
- Gelsemium 12C – If your fear is accompanied by nausea, sleepiness, diarrhea, or a feeling of weakness, 5 pellets the night before and the morning of the appointment, with another dose about 45 minutes before the procedure.
If you’re experience acute dental issues:
- Arnica 30C – For post-procedure inflammation and trauma, including injections, extractions, surgery, and soreness from new dentures. Use 3-5 pellets every 20 minutes until pain subsides.
- Hypericum 9C – Use hypericum after tooth extraction or gum surgery, for toothache or sore dentures, and after any kind of facial trauma. Take 3-5 pellets every half hour until symptoms subside.
- Myristrica Sebifera 6C – Take 5 pellets 15 minutes before surgery or any kind of invasive dental procedure.
- Belladonna 6C – If you experience a sudden abscess in the gums or a tooth, especially if there is redness, inflammation, throbbing, or sensitivity to touch. Take 3-5 pellets every 30-60 minutes until symptoms subside.
- Ferrum Phos 6C – Take 3-5 pellets every 15-30 minutes to control bleeding after extraction or dental surgery, especially bleeding that does not respond to pressure with a damp gauze.
- Hepar Suphuris Calcareum 6C – This remedy is good when you feel an abscess beginning to form that is accompanied by pus, increased saliva production, and tender, bleeding gums. Use 5 pellets every 4 hours to stimulate pus to drain. Higher potencies, between 30X and 200X can help prevent pus from forming.
- Silicea 6C – Take 5 pellets every four hours to encourage pus to drain.
- Myristica 6C – Use when an abscess is causing swelling and numbness in the area. This is a common issue with wisdom teeth. Use 5 pellets fours times a day.
- Ledum 30C – Use 3-5 pellets every hour after dental injections until symptoms subside.
- Staphysagria 30C – Use 5 pellets every half hour after surgery to the soft tissue, included cases of impacted third molars and periodontal grafts. Continue use until symptoms subside.
- Apis Memifica 9C – Use 5 pellets every hour or so for sudden swelling and edema accompanied by pricking or burning sensations. Continue use until these symptoms subside.
If your baby is teething, or older child is getting third molars, try:
- Camomilla 12C – This remedy is great for a whiny, restless child who wants to be held and comforted due to difficult teething. Give 3 pellets every 30-60 minutes until feeling better.
- Hypericum 9C – Give 5 pellets every 30 minutes for nerve pain caused by teething.
If you have a cold sore, try:
- Graphites 7C, Rhus Toxicodendron 7C, Arsenicum Album 7C, and Petroleum 9C – Use 3 pellets of each every 30 minutes, 3 times per day to help heal the lesion. Begin use as soon as you notice the sore beginning to form.
If you have a toothache, try:
- Belladonna 15C – Use this when the toothache is a throbbing pain that is aggravated by moving, touch, or chewing. Take 3 pellets every 30-60 minutes until pain subsides.
- Magnesia Phosphorica 9C – Use for toothaches that are aggravated by cold and eased by heat. Take 5 pellets every 30-60 minutes until pain subsides.
- Coffea cruda 9C – Use for toothaches that are aggravated by heath and eased by cold. Take 3 pellets every 30 minutes until pain subsides.
- Aconitum Napellus 7C – Use 5 pellets every 15-20 minutes for sudden, excruciating pain, particularly pain that is sharp or tearing and aggravated by motion. This type of pain may indicate severe inflammation of the root of the tooth. Continue use until pain subsides.
If you are experiencing intense muscle spasms, try:
- Cuprum Metallicum 9C – Use 3 pellets every 20 minutes until spasms subside.
- Hypericum Perforatum 9C – Very effective at preventing spasms. Use 3 pellets every hour until spasms subside.
Things to Remember for Maximum Effectiveness
- Do not touch the pellets. Try shaking them into the cap or a dish, then straight into the mouth.
- Use homeopathic remedies under the tongue and let dissolve.
- Do not eat 20 minutes before or after taking homeopathic remedies.
- Coffee, tea, and mint can all neutralize homeopathic remedies. Avoid these when using homeopathy.
- Store homeopathic remedies away from products that contain volatile compounds such as ether, camphor, or perfume, as these can neutralize your remedies.
- Discontinue using homeopathy when symptoms subside.
Though homeopathic remedies can ease your problem at home, the best course is to have Dr. Vinograd (619-630-7174), or your local Holistic dentist consult on the best uses of Homeopathy for your particular circumstance.
Homeopathy for Dental Emergencies,