Common Diseases Caused By Bacteria In Our Mouths P4

Daniel Vinograd

Later, we’ll show you a study where we took out the proteins.  Look at this.  This is the albumin levels in humans, and this is where it runs.  In this one that is toxic, look at this albumin.  It’s running very abnormally.  It doesn’t run like regular albumin.  When we go to jawbone cavitation material, there’s a lot of people that do osteonecrosis or cavitation surgery, and they send it in.  Almost all the protein that’s in those cavitations, it’s almost all albumin, and it’s albumin that’s linked to other albumin molecules like it’s been to a place where there’s a lot of rigorous chemical activity.  At the same time, that material will be very high in mercury, silver, cadmium, iron, etc.  So, those jawbone cavitation materials are toxic.  They’re high in metals.  They don’t have normal cell proteins.  They have proteins that look like they’ve been char-broiled.

So, we want to study the small molecule toxicants associated with avital teeth and osteonecrotic materials.  It’s important to remember that this site contains both small molecule toxicants and proteins, and we can separate these rather easily.  Doing so proves that the toxins produced by oral anaerobes are small molecules like hydrogen sulfide and methyl thiol.

Here’s the second step we do.  When you send your tooth in, we take that third wash, from the tooth extract, and we put it in what we call a centricone.  There’s a filter.  Here, then it filters out all the proteins, and you put it in the centrifugation.  You spin it down.  What you get is a protein-free ultrafiltrate of a tooth extract containing just small molecules.  Big molecules don’t go through this.  you can’t find any protein in this material.

This is what we test.  We do this for several reasons, one of them being that we look at the literature about pathogenic bacteria, we found out that the toxins in there were not proteins, not endotoxins, the things that cause other cells to die are small molecules.  This is how we set up our test.  We took all of these proteins, phosphoglycerate mutase, pyruvate kinase, phosphoglycerate kinase, creatinine kinase, [40:54] and a synthetic fibroblast growth factor.

The reason these were selected is they all bound to ATP. They have different molecular weights, so we can separate them on the gel and look at the effect of the toxins and proteins at one time.  At this one we screen them by doing this.  We did nothing or we added hydrogen sulfide, which we know is very toxic at high levels, 2 millimolars.  That’s how high it is in a periodontal pocket.  You can see, it totally inhibited every one of these enzymes.  Hydrogen sulfide is lethal.  It will kill you.  If you go near an oil or a gas refinery, you’ll see these little sticks out there.  They’re measuring hydrogen sulfide because if it builds up, it will kill the population.  So, they have warnings for these.  It is an incredible toxin, and it is produced in your mouth, as we’ll show later.

This T is the toxin from the tooth.  So, here’s with nothing.  Here’s with the tooth extract, and here’s with hydrogen sulfide.  You can see these toxins are as every bit toxic as hydrogen sulfide, but I’m here to tell you it’s not hydrogen sulfide.  When we use hydrogen sulfide, it smells like rotten eggs.  If I were to open it up, a vial, 2 millimolar, and set it here with the top open, everybody in the room would be complaining about the small.

These teeth, they have a smell.  Trust me, they’ll turn you green, but they don’t smell like hydrogen sulfide.  Some of them that are toxic, they don’t have a smell at all.  So, we’re dealing with a compendium of toxins that we don’t fully understand.  One of them we know about is called gliatoxin, and it’s at the end of my talk if I get there.  It doesn’t smell, but it’s more toxic than the rest of them put together.  It’s produced by Candida.  So, what we can say is that the toxicity extracted from teeth are not large proteins but rather small molecules.

Also, this toxicity is most absorbed by charcoal but not by cation or anion exchange resins.  What does this tell you?  I know a lot of you guys carry charcoal tablet when you go to Mexico, and when you start feeling a little sick you take them.  Why do they work?  They soak up the toxins produced by the bacteria that have infected your intestinal tract.  They also soak up vitamins so don’t take them too long.  This tells you that these toxins penetrate.  They’re hydrophobic.  Things that bind to charcoal are more or less hydrophobic.  In other words, they would penetrate the hydrophobic tissues in your body very effectively.  They would go through cell membranes, and they cause a lot of problems.

We’ve talked about a compound I’m making, and this is part of the rationale behind getting something that would go in there and pick up these toxicities.  What we’ve shown here is that the presence of this type of toxicity of hydrogen sulfide and similar compounds can be detected in a radiodiagnostic assay using binding to viable enzymes.  This is nothing but hardcore science.  I mean, this irritates a lot people, as you might imagined, but they haven’t done this and said I’m wrong.  This has been now 12 years.

Here’s the study as we do it today:  We have these enzymes that we use that are abbreviated here.  We can see there are no other proteins here because we filtered them out.  Everything we’re looking at in these studies is just nothing but small molecule soluble protein.  We have two controls, and these are the proteins we add.  These are the enzymes we add to the mixture.  Then we can compare three root canals.

Everything you see here, they’re all root canals.  They’re the same color because they’re from the same mouth.  These three are all from the same person.  Ca means cavitations, and we’ve got a control (+) and a control (-), which is where we have to show what we get without toxin and what we get hydrogen sulfide.  When we evaluate this, what we can see.  The two outside lanes are our controls.  You can see that these proteins interact and become radioactive very quickly.  If you have root canals like these three here, this first one here is not nearly as toxic as the other two next to it.  The two green ones, the outside one is incredibly toxic, and the one next to it isn’t toxic at all.  The person in the light color here, he had the least toxic of the root canals in his mouth.  Now, why is that?  The type of infection, and possibly the person who had this root canal probably practiced really good oral hygiene.  Probably gargled with hydrogen peroxide and treated his mouth carefully.  Probably didn’t eat a lot of sugars, etc. There’s a lot of variability in somebody’s root canal and how much toxins it will produce.

We’re doing an experiment now with one of my people that has a periodontal site, a very nice one that I can get into with microbrush, and he can get into it.  He tested it himself.  It’s amazing how the level of toxin production changes with what he eats.  It’s just a one-person thing, but hopefully it will bring up some interesting information someday.  That pocket is incredibly toxic, and the next day it’s not depending on what he eats.

Let us talk about cavitation materials.  We have tested people who do jawbone cavitation.  We’ve never found one that wasn’t reasonably toxic, if not incredibly toxic.  I would tell the people here that might get attacked on this.  I represented or was an expert witness, and helped a dentist that was being attacked for doing jawbone surgery.  We took nine of his samples, and I did mass spectrometry on every protein that spread out on a gel like this.  Every protein that we tested turned out to be human serum albumin.  Even if it were a higher molecular weight or a lower molecular weight.  You break it down in mass spectrometry, and what it says is the material that you get out of the jawbones that are infected is you’ve had a lot of inflammatory processes.  Albumin’s been rushed to that area, and that place for jawbone surgery totally disrupts cross links and breaks down protein albumin.  We could hardly find.

We found a lot of blood clotting proteins there also.  It was blood clotting proteins and albumin were the major proteins that we identified in the cavitational material from this person.  That eliminated the argument that the person from Temple Dental School was saying that he was removing normal tissue.  It’s not normal tissue.  We also took that same tissue and did ICP mass spectrometry to identify the metals.  What you find when you do that is the metals aren’t consistent with it being normal tissue either.  It’s high and heavy metal such as mercury, iron, silver, copper, and other compounds similar to that.

The material in these jawbones, it’s not normal tissue.  There’s probably something that needs to be removed.  I think it’s something that we need to consider.  I think 12 years from now, if I’m still here alive and talking, this will be something accepted such as the focal point theory. This is the bottom line:  Osteonecrotic materials do not have the metal content of normal tissues nor do they have the normal proteins.  To back up the chemistry, and just to show you where the products come from and a lot of the studies we haven’t done.  When we look at the breakdown of L-cysteine, desulfhydrase is the enzyme that’s in these anaerobic bacteria.  Why did they produce hydrogen sulfide, and why, if you don’t brush your mouth regularly, you start stinking.

We look at this.  It produces hydrogen sulfide.  It also produces ammonia.  What we’re finding is maybe the hydrogen sulfide plus the ammonia together are what perhaps make these sites so toxic and so susceptible to breakdown of the tissue.

This tooth was sent to me by Hal Huggins.  There as a time in my life when I found Hal Huggins a major pain in the rear end.  There’s some things about him that I like and some things I don’t like.  You can’t talk about his intensity.  When he found out I was visiting you guys and talking about mercury toxicity, he sent me some teeth, called me, wrote me.  In general, he harassed the living daylights out of me until I said, “We’ve got to do something for this guy so I can shut him up.”  I thought he was wrong, just to be blunt.  I didn’t believe that a tooth could be as toxic as mercury.

This tooth came from him and it was extracted from a person with multiple sclerosis.  We did the same things that we talked about.   We washed his tooth three times, let it set there, and after the 3000 microLiters, we started adding.  This is a pretty homogenous, by the way, labeled with ATP.  Here’s what happened after we added 5 microLiters of that last thousand microLiter wash.  It just totally abolished the activity of the proteins in the brain.  This was something coming out of a well-washed tooth that had been extracted from a person who was sick.  Now, I am not saying that infected teeth cause multiple sclerosis.  It might be that these people have a lower immune system, and their teeth just become infected.  The person with the tooth needs some dentistry, some good advice.  We need to be studying this area.  There’s absolutely no doubt that this tooth is more toxic than hydrogen sulfide. It might be because of the ammonia that’s in it also.  It might be because of the toxins. We don’t have the answers, but we need to be pushing our government and the National Institutes of Dental Research to have research in this area and not have people from Brazil, Chile, Japan, Sweden, Germany, and every place else do research that we could probably do better and more effective in this country.

To say these teeth do not have an effect on human health, whether this game after or before this person developed multiple sclerosis, it shouldn’t be in their mouth, not this level of toxicity.  This is incredible toxicity.  I give full credit for Hal Huggins for pushing this issue.  I also say Dr. George Manning because coming to one of your talks, I didn’t listen to Al very much until I listened to Dr. George Manning give a talk on root canal coverup.  When I listened to him, it was sensible science he was talking about.  Sensible science is what wins this game.  That’s the reason the academy today is winning the fight with dental amalgams.  Show me sensible science.  Go back to Mike Ziff’s mantra.

So, if we say, “Is there anything else that ties this together?”  This is the research that some of you know brought me into this fight.  This is a polyacrylamide gel.  We’ve separated proteins after grinding up the brain of a normal person and treating it.  We see what goes down in the pellet and what stays soluble.  In normal brain, like here on the side, here’s a pellet and here’s a supernatant.  Tubulin stays in the soluble aspect, and I would point out in a normal brain, tubulin, creatine kinase, and glutamine synthetase all stay soluble.  If you do the same thing with an AD brain, certain tubulin and creatine kinase all go down in the pellet.  It’s an abnormal partitioning that anyone can observe.

People have said I’m right, but it’s ignored.  What makes tubulin and creatine kinase soluble proteins, go down in the pellet?  It’s because they’re abnormally affected by some toxicant in the brain, which renders them to bind to particular material.  If we take a soup and a pellet with no treatment, we look at the supernatant.  There’s the tubulin.  As we increase the addition of the toxic material, that’s 2.5 micromolar, 5, 10, and 20.  If you go across here, when we get to the grey end, here, it’s gone. If we go here, you can see that the tubulin has gone down in the pelette fraction , and you can see that it’s gone here.  Not effected.  So, hydrogen sulfide does not cause the apparent biochemistry that we see in an AD brain, but an extract from an infected tooth does.

I think that this is something that’s very important.  Even if you don’t want to say it causes Alzheimer’s disease, would you want something floating in your blood stream that cause your tubulin to abnormally partition that was very hydrophobic?  The things that do cross into the blood brain barrier and cross into the brain are hydrophobic materials primarily.  If we look at the photolabeling activity, the hydrogen sulfide does not seem to have much effect on brain tubulin, but this toxic material from this tooth with multiple sclerosis and other things totally abolishes the photolabeling and has no effect on this protein.  This is exactly what you see in Alzheimer’s Disease.  That’s exactly the profile.

So, we can say that Alzheimer’s Disease probably has something to do with toxicities coming out of the oral cavity as well as anything else.  So, these were the results.  These were also observed in Alzheimer’s Disease brain and brain tissue exposed to mercury.  This has been published a long time, and nobody has said I’m wrong about it.  They just ignore it.  This is the same situation that’s in your mouth just looking at your mouth by a chemist.

That’s what you have, amalgam fillings that release elemental, as well as Hg2+.  You can have an avital tooth, doesn’t have to be the same tooth, that releases hydrogen sulfide plus methyl thiol plus other compounds.  When these compounds react with mercury, you get the HgS.  You can even get silver sulfide, but this is what precipitates in the tissue.

This is what causes an amalgam tattoo.  If you don’t believe me, excise it from one of the gums of your patient, send it to doctors and have the measure the mercury content or the metal content.  It will be sulfides and other heavy metals in amalgams.  It’s probably not all that toxic to that tissue although it’s ugly.  If you look at this, hydrogen sulfide and you make this from the thiamine, these two organic mercury compounds.  We made them in our laboratory.  We tested them, and what we can tell you is they’re incredibly toxic. The toxicity of mercury compounds is based on their hydrophobic ability or their ability to penetrate cells.

Hg2+ is toxic to the kidney, but it’s not to toxic to the central nervous system because it can’t get it.  Methyl mercury and dimethyl mercury are incredibly toxic to the central nervous system because they’re hydrophobic and they partition into the fat layers, the fat tissues, and they penetrate the body.  They can get into places where we don’t expect, and we can talk about toxicity. We can talk about the synergistic toxicity, and we can say this is a major problem.  We have to look at the ability.

Getting amalgams out for no reason to prevent them from reacting to periodontal disease toxins which we’re not going to stop is a good argument.  You are manufacturing toxic organic mercury compounds in your own mouth if you amalgams and periodontal disease.

Mr. H.B. Wallace, who funded a lot of my research is now dead.  He was the son of the vice president of the United States, Senator Truman.  He was a person who though his father and other people suffered from mercury toxicity .  I have to say I steal a lot of it from people, but on this one particle talk, Weston Price, I read all of his work.  I listened to Dr. George Manning talk, and of course, HHal Huggins was the tack that I had to sit on.  I have a lot of friends in the IAOMT.  A lot of you guys, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat and talked with you and how much dentistry I’ve learned and the problems you have.  I really appreciate that.  Like every husband, I’m hard to put up with.  I’m very intense, and I have a very tolerant wife.

I would like to present the Ziff Memorial Plaque to Dr. Boyd Haley.  In Michael’s honor, I’d like to thank you for your research.  He really appreciated your research on the dental mercury issue.  Thank you very much.

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Common Diseases Caused By Bacteria In Our Mouths P4, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

One Response to “Common Diseases Caused By Bacteria In Our Mouths P4”

  1. Ruth Martin says:

    This is some heavy reading… what I got from it is that your teeth can become toxic, depending on what you eat, and can actually cause certain diseases. Is that correct? Makes it all the more reason to eat healthy foods.

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