Dentists exposed to the mercury get some damage, too?
Yes, absolutely. The reason I’m standing here today is because over 30 years ago, I felt really sick, and I was wondering, “Oh god, I’m in my 30s. This is what getting old must feel like.” I felt really lousy. I said, “Okay, I accept. I’m getting older.” Then, I realized that I was incredibly mercury toxic. So, I had a lot of memory problems, constant fatigue. So, this is how I really got started into becoming a naturopath and getting interested. So, yeah, especially dentists that continue to use amalgam are quite exposed, not so much now as we used to be because 35 years ago, we were not using gloves and masks and so forth, but, even today, when we remove the amalgams, we actually protect ourselves.
How many years do you think a dentist gets damaged with the mercury?
How many years?
How many years does it take for a mercury to damage a dentist? I’m telling this because my daughter’s a dentist. I don’t know if she’s doing the same with the thing like you are.
Yeah. Well, whatever she’s doing, whether she’s placing the amalgams or not, she’s probably is removing them all the time every day. So, she really should protect herself well against a lot of the fumes, a lot of the powders that are coming out. Definitely, it’s a great risk to her health. So, for you to intervene or give her some awareness would be an act of love and kindness.
Hello, doc. I have a question. It’s kind of a stretch, but is there any chance for people pulling their wisdom teeth, reusing some of their own material and growing your teeth back in some form, or using any form of material in your body like a bone of some sort that really can regrow itself and not have to use a foreign material outside your body?
Yeah, you know, in maybe 20, 30 years, but not at this point. Now, they are now developing tooth germs, where you can actually take the tooth out and place a tooth germ and grow it. That’s happening already. It’s just not happening fast enough because those germs take about seven to eight years to grow, and most of us don’t want go without a tooth for about seven to eight years. Stem cell? Yeah. All that is coming. All that is coming. Unfortunately, not here for us today yet.
Do you refer any of your clients who have had their amalgams removed before and not that way to a certain naturopath who can detox because I know I’ve had mine removed before, [and I still have some left. My doctor never thought they were a problem no matter how much I told him, and I would have pieces of it left in my mouth. He would suction it out, and I would swallow some. I know, and I know I’m feeling the effects of it every day, but is there a certain protocol?
So, your experience is not unique. This is the norm. This is what happens in dental offices all the time, not all of them. Yeah, a lot of the stuff that has gone systemic unfortunately the mercury gets lodged in the fatty tissues, and so they’re very, very hard to get rid of.
So, the first thing that you should do is maybe consult with a naturopath. I do work with naturopaths now, and they sometimes do some chelation, some testing, and so forth, but the first thing for you to do is to test yourself. There are different ways of doing it.
There’s a rough estimate of how you can do it with hair analysis. Then, there are other ways where you chelate and they test either your urine or feces to find out, but in order to do that, you have to dislodge a certain amount of the embedded toxins because if you just take a blood test they’re not going to appear because the toxin’s really embedded in the fatty tissues.
So, you have to take something like DMSA, DMTS, which is a little harsh. So, you don’t want to be doing this all the time. You want to do it with supervision to actually dislodge some of that from your fatty tissues into the bloodstream or into the urine or into the feces or fecal matter and test it. Once you know what you have, then, you can work with it because to detox, you also would need to know what it is you’re detoxing.
A lot of the heavy metals that are lower in the chart are more difficult to get rid of unless you get rid of some of the lighter heavy metals. So, there are protocols in which to do this. Okay. I’m going to continue, then, and we’re going to talk a little bit about oral disease and systemic disease. What’s interesting with a lot of the research that’s coming out lately is that they have found the same bacteria that you have in gum disease, in some decay, sometimes in root canals, that bacteria doesn’t stay in your mouth. It actually has access to the bloodstream. So, that bloodstream is actually carrying this bacteria to different parts of the body.
A lot of the really big problems is gum disease. This is something that you really need to be aware of because the gum disease actually is hosting a number of anaerobic bacteria, oxygen-hating bacteria in there. That’s why they hide inside the gums because they hate oxygen. So, they’re in there doing their thing. So, this is a more advanced case where you can see the gum disease, the inflammation, and there’s usually pockets right in between. So, you can see clearly. There’s a periodontal pocket. It’s the space between your tooth and your gum. That is a critical piece of information for you.
If you have two or three millimeters of space between your tooth and your gum, you can actually get in there and clean it with your toothbrush. If you start getting into four, five, six millimeters, now it starts becoming impossible to really clean this area with a toothbrush. So, up to here, I can go with a toothbrush. Down here, it’s untouchable. It’s bacteria right there as happy as could be. They’re throwing a party, 24/7. So, what’s happening with that? More inflammation, more bacteria, and our bone starts coming down, creating even more pocket depth.
So, this is one of the most critical things you can do for your health is to check to make sure that you don’t have deep pockets that are hosting a lot of anaerobic bacteria, oxygen-hating bacteria. Interesting that the same bacteria that have been found in some decays and some root canals, have been found in the heart of people that have been ill with heart disease, and in pancreatic research. There’s really some good, solid research done by some respected institutions that have found the same type of bacteria in the mouth and in some of these life-threatening diseases.
So, what do you do about periodontal disease? A lot of people have that. Some of us are aware of it. Some of us are not aware of that. Obviously, traditional is brushing, make sure that you use youth toothbrush, just a soft toothbrush with some water, and you actually introduce it into the pockets and clean them.
Then, after that, if you want to use toothpaste or whatever for your teeth, that’s fine, but you really should spend the time with water and a toothbrush physically removing. This is only going to remove the first two or three millimeters-worth of bacteria, right?
Now, this is something that I’ve actually been promoting for a long time. I thought I was the inventor of this, but when my son went to check this, [there were like 500 other people that had been using this irrigating device and also one form or the other. So, I guess I wasn’t so smart anymore, but this is some that I really work with my patients a lot and I really, highly recommend this as a much enhanced way to do your oral hygiene.
What you do is you actually purchase a water pick. You can purchase at any store. Any major store will carry them, Costco, Target. Any of them will have it, very, very moderately priced, and you start using the water pick. What the water pick will do is the water pick will actually access more than 3 millimeters. It will access the 4, 5, 6, and 7 millimeters if you actually get that water pick in between your tooth and your gum. So, now, we’re doing some physical removal of that bacteria.
Is this more important than going to see your dentist for gum disease? Don’t quote me on this, but yes. Why is this more important? Of course, it’s important to go every six months to get your pockets checked and get everything cleaned up. Of course, it’s important, but this you can do every day. I can’t come to your house. I would love to if you invite me, but you know. I can’t come to your house every day and clean your pockets out. You can. You are your best dentist.
Now, when you start introducing and ozonator, an ozone generator, it’s actually bubble the ozone into the container of your water pick. Using that water into your gums, now you’re taking O3, and hitting this anaerobic bacteria, which hate oxygen, which die on contact.
So, here, you have, without chemicals, without having to pay for a lot of expensive mouth rinses and medicated and chemically-filled washes, you can actually kill all the anaerobic bacteria that is causing all that disease. So, we found this of tremendous help.
In my own practice, I’ve kept a great number of patients from going into periodontal surgery, and they’re able to maintain it because, in essence, what does a periodontal surgeon do? They actually cut the pockets to make them 2 or 3 millimeters again so you can make them clean again so you can clean them. That’s basically what they do. I mean, they will also go in there and reshape the bone underneath, but really the bottom line is they’re just creating a situation where you can maintain it again without all these bacteria.
So, by using an ozone machine and a water pick, you’re enabling yourself, you’re empowering yourself to do this and keeping yourself from really having a lot of gum disease, which affects your body. So, some suggestions about the ozone. Use it in a well-ventilated area because ozone, in the air, is highly irritating to your GI tract, but in water it is perfectly safe.
The kind of ozonator that you want should have this specific specifications. It should be a corona discharge, preferably 1000 milligrams per hour because, otherwise, you’re going to be sitting there for two hours ozonating your water. With 1000 milligrams, you will actually ozonate your water in maybe 10 minutes. So, you just put it in there and go do something else. Ten minutes later, you come back, and you use your water with your water pick.
You want a sealed box around the elements. There are actually some people on the internet that are actually making their own machines. You know, I’m a little suspect of that. I actually had my son who has a company source this particular one. So, if you don’t find it anywhere else, you can always go to this website and get it. I’m not encouraging you to go buy it from him, if you find it somewhere else with those specs, I think you should get one. It’s wonderful for your whole family. I’ll let you read that yourselves.